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M1 Visa Helicopter Flight Training Program for International Students


Anthelion Helicopters is a Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) – certified flight school that offers the M1 Visa for international students interested in flight training in the United States. The M1 visa allows international students to study full-time for up to 12 months at a technical or vocational program in the U.S., such as at a flight school like Anthelion Helicopters.

Please meet the prerequisite requirements before applying to our M1 Visa Flight Training Program. You must:

  • Be at least 18 years old or older
  • Be proficient in English (written/verbal)
  • Have proof of financial ability to cover your flight training and housing costs


Financial verification of funds available to cover the training costs and related living and transportation expenses is required with your application.

All documents submitted for financial verification must be accompanied by a notarized English translation denoting all funds in US Dollars. Acceptable forms of financial verification are:

  • A notarized copy of a bank statement
  • An approved loan application
  • A notarized affidavit of support
a plane sitting on the tarmac at sunset


  1. Schedule a Zoom Meeting or phone call with the DSO to discuss your goals.
  2. Complete the Anthelion Helicopters M1 Visa International Student Admission Application form by visiting this link: Click Here to Access the Application Form
  3. a. In the Application Form, be prepared to submit:

    i. Financial Verification that shows you can fund your flight training and housing while in the U.S.

    ii. a $650 application processing fee.

  4. When the application, financial verification, and processing fee have been submitted, Anthelion Helicopters will process your application and issue your I-20.
  5. a. Once you have received your I-20 from us, pay your I-901 fee of $350 for SEVIS at*

  6. Apply for a student visa with your local US Embassy and gain permission to enter the United States. Use this link to search for a US Embassy in your home country:
  7. All non-U.S. citizens must register with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Flight Training Security Program (FTSP) to submit a flight training request with our school. This can be done at the following website: FTSP Home (
  8. a. TSA charges an application fee of $130.

    b. TSA FTSP will require a background check and fingerprinting. Fingerprinting fees may vary depending on the facility you visit.

  9. Once you have permission to enter the country and approval from TSA to begin your training, your registration into Anthelion Helicopters’ M1 Visa Flight Training Program is complete.
  10. c. Your Designated School Official (DSO) will send you your enrollment documents and schedule your first week of lessons.

  11. Arrive at Anthelion Helicopters on your pre-scheduled program start date.
  12. d. Upon your arrival, a block payment of at least $5,000 will be collected and deposited into your student account.

    i. Your lessons will be billed to your account using these funds and you will be informed when your funds are low to the point that renewal of funds is necessary.

    e. For students who require solo hours for their pilot’s certificate, an enrollment fee will also be charged.

    i. This fee covers the costs of solo insurance for the solo requirements as well as an Anthelion Helicopters Training Syllabus, the Safety Practices and Procedures Manual, and our New Student Goodie Bag.

    ii. Enrollment Fee for R22 Students = $700*

    iii. Enrollment Fee for R44 or Cabri Students = $1,200*

Click Here to Access the M1 Visa International Student Admission Application


Kindly refer to our related pages for more information on SEVIS